LA&HA - Journal of the Laser and Health Academy
ISSN (print):1855-9913 | ISSN (web): 1855-9921
Clinical Experiences in Asian Skin with the New Ablative Fractional Er:YAG Laser Technology (Summary)
Ming - Li Tseng
Pages: S06
Fractional ablative skin resurfacing is one of the most popular technologies on the aesthetic market today. Instead of full-skin-surface resurfacing, utilization of this technology generates only narrow-diameter ablated channels in the skin over a fraction of the entire treatment area. This treatment modality initiates the body's wound healing response which stimulates fibroblasts to produce new collagen and elastin, while the surrounding, unaffected and intact tissue promotes rapid healing.
Summary: Clinical Experiences in Asian Skin with the New Ablative Fractional Er:YAG Laser Technology